Ninja is the little gray blob in the right hand corner of the big black circle (my uterus). Dana my most fav. u/s tech did our u/s for us and everything looked absolutely perfect. We saw Ninja's heart beat...146bpm....something I could have stared at forever and ever. Ninja measured exactly 7w1d so right on track. After the u/s we met briefly with Nurse Wendy, who said we were good to go, she would send our records on to the ob's office. We were to continue PIO until 8w, but at that point there is no need to check levels or anything, so we were to just stop. This was a little nerve wracking to me, being the control freak that I am, but I did as was told, and so far everything seems fine.
We are now 9w2d and see the midwife on Monday. I am hopeful to hear the h/b or better yet, get an u/s to check on ninja, but being a new office, I'm not sure what to expect. I've been feeling good for the most part. The worst so far is the extreme exhaustion, I am in bed most nights by 9...which is making it difficult to keep up with housework and such, but it is what it is. I also have had lovely "morning" sickness, except in my case it seems to be afternoon-evening sickness. It usually sets in at about 2-3p.m and lasts until I go to bed. So far just feeling icky, which I can deal with. Suppers have kind of been pathetic because of it, but such is life. So that is where we are at...hopefully I can be a better blogger, but I'm kind of thinking lack of blogs, means boring pregnancy, which is a good thing!
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